Apple iPhone 6S

wpid-Photo-Sep-25-2015-729-PM.jpgI bought a new iPhone.

It always seems like such a momentous occasion. Perhaps, because the wait has been so long and technology moves so fast. I definitely noticed my 5S growing long in the tooth and slow to do the things I ask of it.

And don’t get me started on the battery.

So, when Apple’s annual confab in September announced the 6S devices were coming, I was like, “How soon?” Just as soon as I could, I pre-ordered a 64GB model in silver, and I opted for the smaller 6S versus the “phablet” sized 6S Plus.

The smaller model definitely feels better one-handed and I won’t need to wear cargo pants 24/7 to tote it around town.

It’ll be exciting to learn the ins and outs of iOS9 and the new 6S features like force touch, er, I mean 3D Touch. And awayyyyyyy we go!